Mission Partners - Clackmannan Parish Church

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Keith and Ida Waddell
Our Mission Partners

Keith and Ida Waddell are Mission Partners with the United Church of Zambia (UCZ). They have been in Zambia since 1994 and served as Education and Health Secretaries at Synod Headquarters in Lusaka since 2015. They have now returned to Mwandi Mission in Western Province, where Keith is Mission Partner (Special Needs) and Ida, Mission Partner (Health). Keith is focusing on the establishment of a sheltered workshop for young people and Ida, on moving the Mission Hospital to a specialist facility. This is an ecumenical appointment with the Methodist Church.

We receive regular updates from Keith and Ida and you can view their most recent one here.
Clackmannan Parish Church of Scotland
Port Street
FK10 4JH

Tel +44(0)1259 214238
Email: office@clackmannankirk.org.uk

Charity Registered in Scotland  SC002324
We are a Church of Scotland congregation and believe that God has called His people in Clackmannan Parish Church, under His guidance, to be a congregation committed to sharing Jesus' Word and Love with the community.
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