Church Services - Clackmannan Parish Church

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Forthcoming Services

Listed below are details of our forthcoming services and events.

Please note that our regular Sunday Morning services are at 11.30 am

Feel free to come along in person to any of the meetings, services, or events that interest you. You will be made most welcome.
On the second Sunday of each month, we hold our afternoon service which is a short service lasting approximately thirty minutes and is followed by a light afternoon tea.  This Service is suitable for older and less able folks to come along and share in worship and fellowship together.  If you know of anyone who would appreciate such an afternoon, please bring them along to the Church Hall, High Street, Clackmannan for 3.00 pm or if they would need help with transport to bring them along and return home then please also let us know.  
19th Jan11.30 am
Morning Worship
26th Jan11.30 am
Morning Worship
2nd Feb11.30 amCandlemas - Rev Austin Wicks
9th Feb 11.30 am
Rev Austin Wicks
3.00 pmAfternoon Service - Church Hall
16th Feb11.30 am
Rev Austin Wicks
23rd Feb11.30 am
Rev Austin Wicks
2nd Mar11.30 am
Rev Austin Wicks
7th Mar2.00 pm
9th Mar11.30 am
Communion Service

Sunday School and Creche available every Sunday except holidays.
Clackmannan Parish Church of Scotland
High Street
FK10 4JG

Tel +44(0)1259 720583

Charity Registered in Scotland  SC002324
We are a Church of Scotland congregation and believe that God has called His people in Clackmannan Parish Church, under His guidance, to be a congregation committed to sharing Jesus' Word and Love with the community.
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